Sunday 5 October 2014

Current Addiction

October is finally here,guys. I'm saaaa happy for no reasons. I have to bear another month of school then I'll be free. I'm spending the remnants of this school holidays by watching videos,watching videos and watching videos. No books. Not studying. Mhm.. good. Clever Naj. Here I want to introduce you to some of my favourite youtubers.

1. Firstly,Pewdiepie ((Felix Kjellberg)). He never fails to make me laugh. I laugh in tears watching his videos. (('laugh in tears')) balik rumah bukak dictionary kenapa bahasa aku pelik semacam. 

YOU LOOK SOOOOO FINE PEWDS. That's why I choose to be a bro. *brofist*

2. Joe Sugg (search Thatcherjoe). He is really attractive and incredible in singing which make me fall for him even more! His sister,Zoella is a youtuber too!! You guys have have have to check him out on youtube and give me a feedback about him! 
    no he's not a singer. sorry I couldn't choose a proper photo of him cuz I sucks in almost everything.

3. HERE'S TO THE ONE WHO STOLE MY HEART SINCE 2012,CASPAR LEE ((his name has haunted him the entire life)) Idk why he is named Caspar but I think it's cute. Bslcamsokjdnaijr. Caspar is friggin funny. Maan,I couldn't describe him properly so I'll just show you some photos of him.

you can tell he's funny just by looking at this picture,ain't? HAHAH! 

So,will you check them out on youtube?
It's your choice. 
Have a happy day,reader (s)!

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